Hiking Barcelona: Best Nearby Routes and Trails


In this article we cover the beautiful hiking routes and trails in and around Barcelona. These make ideal day trips and most starting points can easily be reached by metro, train or bus.

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Hikes within the City

The Three Hills Walk

Gràcia, Carmel and Horta-Guinardó. For more about this urban hike see here.

Start: Vallcarca metro (L3)

Finish: Alfons X metro station (L4)

Route: Linear

Distance: 6KM

Time: 1 hour 16 minutes

Wikiloc: www.wikiloc.com/walking-trails/the-3-hills-walk-el-coll-el-carmel-and-la-rovira-47311642

Hikes in Collserola

The Parc de Collserola spans 8,000 hectares of protected land covering the range of small mountains (Serra de Collserola) between the Besòs and Llobregat rivers. Within the park a forest of white pines and evergreen oaks is home to a wide variety of species including wild boars and genets. At the crest, the Carretera de les Aigües offers uplifting views of Barcelona and the Mediterranean sea on one side and the Vallès plain on the other.

Collserola is the largest metropolitan park in the world, 8 times larger than the Bois de Boulogne in Paris, and 22 times larger than Central Park in New York. Living in Barcelona, this expanse of unspoiled nature is just a short metro ride away.

Barcelona to Sant Cugat (GR 6)

El Pi d’en Xandrihike from Barcelona to Sant Cugat begins on the GR 6 trail beside the Parc del Laberint d’Horta. The path reveals the Ermita De Sant Medir dating from the 11th century and the the Forn Ibèric, a relic from the second century BC. Before reaching Sant Cugat, hikers are greeted by El Pi d’en Xandri, a monumental pine tree over 230 years old and 23 meters high.

Start: Mundet Metro

Finish: Sant Cugat FCG Station

Route: Linear

Distance: 12KM

Time: 3 hours 25 minutes

Wikiloc: www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=11458918

Vallvidrera to La Floresta (GR 96)

Vallvidrera Reservoirhere.

Start: Vallvidrera Superior Station (FGC)

Finish: La Floresta Station (FCG)

Route: Linear

Distance: 8KM

Time: 2 hours 4 minutes

Wikiloc: https://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=18073931

Can Masdeu to Torre Barro

Can Masdeuhere.

Start: Canyelles Metro (L3)

Finish: Roquetes Metro (L3)

Route: Linear

Distance: 7KM

Time: 2 hours 35 minutes

Wikiloc: https://www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=12342677

Baixador de Vallvidrera to Tibidabo

TibidaboMuseu-Casa Verdaguer, dedicated to the Catalan writer Jacint Verdaguer. This hike leads to Tibidabo from behind, with attractive views of forest and the back of the Temple Expiatori del Sagrat Cor. For more photos of this hike, click here.

Start: Baixador de Vallvidrera (FGC)

Finish: Tibidabo

Route: Linear

Distance: 3.5KM

Time: 1 hour 11 minutes

Wikiloc: www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=4027253

Sant Jeroni de La Murtra and Puig Castellar

Monasterio de San Jerónimo de la MurtraSant Jeroni de la Murtra was built in the Gothic style at the beginning of the fifteenth century. After King Ferdinand II of Aragon was wounded by an assasination attempt in 1492 on the steps of the Royal Palace of Barcelona, he spent a few days recovering in the monastery with his wife Isabel of Castile. Sant Jeroni de La Murtra was also the setting where Catholic Monarchs received Christopher Columbus in April 1493 after returning from his first voyage to America.

Remains of the Iberian Settlement of Puig Castellar are located nearby, at a peak of the Serralada de Marina Park, 303m above sea level. The site belonged to the Laietani tribe, who lived there from the 4th century BC to the beginning of the 2nd century BC. Historians believe that the settlement was abandoned because of the Second Punic War. For more photos of this hike click here.

Start: Singuerlín (L9N)

Finish: Singuerlín (L9N)

Route: Circular

Distance: 8KM

Time: 3 hours 10 minutes

Wikiloc: www.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=16877106

Trinitat Nova to Vallvidrera

Collserola Swingwww.wikiloc.com/wikiloc/view.do?id=4027253

Baixador de Vallvidrera to Sant Cugat

Font dén Ribaswww.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/baixador-de-vallvidrera-to-sant-cugat-35268767

Vallvidrera to Sant Pere Mártir

Collserola Woodswww.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/vallvidrera-to-esplugues-de-llobregat-35323011

Les Planes to Can Calopa de Dalt to Vallvidrera

Can Calopa de DaltCan Calopa de Dalt overlooks vineyards with the Cathedral of Sagrat Cor in the far distance. Part of L’Olivera Cooperativa, Can Capola makes quality wines and helps people with disabilities integrate in society with housing, training and work opportunities.

Start: Les Planes

Finish: Vallvidrera

Route: Linear

Distance: 15.8KM

Time: 4 hours

Wikiloc: www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/les-planes-can-calopa-vallvidrera-37460143

Molins de Rei to Can Castellví

El Salt d'Aigua, CollserolaCan Castellví.

Start: Molins de Rei

Finish: Molins de Rei

Route: Circular

Distance: 9.2KM

Time: 4 hours

Wikiloc: www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/collserola-molins-de-rei-can-planes-el-salt-daigua-can-castellvi-molins-de-rei-34595358


Hike from Sitges to Vilanova



Montserrat Monstery to Sant Jeroni 



Pantano de Santa Fe del Montsenyhttps://www.wikiloc.com/hiking-trails/volta-pel-montseny-avioneta-estavellada-6259855

Hiking Groups in Barcelona

Centre Excursionista de Catalunya The Hiking Club of Catalonia is a sporting and cultural organisation founded in 1876. It currently has about 4,500 members and offers organised hikes, cultural activities and courses in mountaineering. The club also has a library of maps and photographic archive. Illustrious Catalan figures such as Antoni Gaudí and Jacint Verdaguer were members.

The Barcelona Hiking & Outdoors Group A non-profit Meetup group where you can meet other outdoor enthusiasts. Hiking and outdoor events are regularly scheduled, with a couple of hikes to choose from every week.


How long does it take to get to Montserrat from Barcelona?

It takes about an hour and a half by train from Barcelona-Sants station.

How can I get to Collserola Park?

There are many ways to enter Collserola. Taking the metro to Mundet leaves you close to where the GR 6 enters the park. The path begins beside the Parc del Laberint d’Horta. Taking the FGC train to Baixador de Vallvidrera will drop you off right in the park, surrounded by many great trails.